The spark lit on 21st January 2013 at FORTO, the Eritrean Ministry of Information, has lit the biggest ever fire of hope for all the communities, political parties, faith groups , youth associations, women’s networks , elderly centres, civic societies, and social networks in the Eritrean diaspora.
Like the Olympic torch, passing from one place to the next, across villages, towns and cities, the Eritrean spark also has its own distinctive life in almost all the main cities of America, Canada, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. Each spark was ignited by the collective force of the dream of change, from Totalitarian rule to Democracy; and the banners and posters at the demonstrations were the same, “DOWN … DOWN …. DICTATOR”. Loud and Clear!!!! CHANGE! CHANGE! CHANGE!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !! NOTHING LESS THAN DEMOCRATIC CHANGE!!!
This burst of flame has significantly revived the Eritrean revolutionary spirit , passion and energy, inspiring three generations of Eritreans abroad to coordinate their resources and consolidate their solidarity with their families at home, to connect with the Eritrean Defence forces who started it all, and enlighten the world communities who have been observing this dramatic explosion in silence. “Let us all join hands.”
Change is what we are going through. A constructive change is what we are working on. We can do it! No doubt! But only if the democratic forces for change both within and outside the country can join hands. At the same time, we need to understand the barriers that the dictator has built to divide us, and plan how to destroy them, to crush the walls erected even within families by this evil regime in order to control and isolate people, and to annihilate all such divisive systems, structures, mechanisms, ideologies and thoughts.
Now let us be determined to sustain what we have already achieved, and march forward to liberate our people.
A Change is Gonna Come! By Sam Cooke (1963)
I was born by the river, In a little tent, And just like the river, I have been running ever since, It’s been long, long time coming But I know a change going to come Oh, YES IT WILL
There’s been times that I thought I wouldn’t last long But now I think I ‘m able to carry on It has been a long, long time coming But I know a change is gonna come Oh, YES IT WILL!
Leadership of the Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change
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