Award of Excellence ናይ ክብሪ ሽልማት

Award of Excellence pro berekhet
Those elderly veteran fighters who gave everything they can to their people and nation should be admired and appreciated. According to our culture people say “Nzigeberlka Giberelu wey Ngerelu” which means shorty those who did good deserves at least appreciation for what they did. Bologna Forum always values and appreciates the sacrifice of our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters who paid and who are paying the ultimate price in bringing Justice and Democracy to Eritrea. In the upcoming Oakland Bologna Forum, Prof. Bereket Habteselassie will receive his Award of Excellence from the organizers. Bringing our culture of mutual respect to where it was is one means of struggle to defeat the disrespectful one man led regime in Eritrea. Please come and join us in this historic day, were the father of the Eritrean Constitution 1997 receives his Award.

Thank you Prof. Bereket Habteselassie for your service as a Freedom fighter, Chairman of Constitutional Commission of Eritrea and now as a father and adviser for the democratic struggle at hand.

Thank you.

Bologna Forum

August 26, 2015

Oakland California, USA

ናይ ክብሪ ሽልማት
ንዝገበረልካስ፡ ሓደው ግበረሉ፡ ሓደው ንገረሉ ከምዝበሃል፡ እቶም ዘለዎም ዘበለ፡ ሓንቲ ውን ትኹን ከይበቐቑ ንሃገሮምን ንህዝቦምን ዝመጠዉ ናይዕድመ ሰብ ጸጋ ዜጋታትና፡ ስለቲ ዘበርከቱዎ ሰናይ ተግባር ብኣና ብህዝቦም ክሙጎሱን ክኽበሩን ኣለዎም። ጉባኤ ቦለኛ፡ ነቲ ኣቦታትና፣ ኣዴታትናን ኣሕዋትናን ንምውሓስ ፍትሕን ዲሞክራስን ኣብ ሃገረ ኤርትራ ከረጋግጹ ዝኸፈሉዎን ገና ውን ዝኸፍሉዎ ዘለዉ ክቡር ዋጋን መስዋእትን ወትሩ ኣፍልጦ ይህብን ብፍሉይ ይዝክርን ንመስዋእቶም ድማ የኽብርን። በዚ መሰረት፡ ኣብዚ ናይዚ ሒዝናዮ ዘለና ሰሙን መጨረሽታ ብወግዒ ዝኽፈት ጉባኤ ቦለኛ ኣብ ኦክላንድ፡ ፕሮፌሰር በረኸት ሓብተስላሴ፡ ስለቲ ኣብ ሙሉእ ሂወቱ ንሃገሩን ንህዝቡን ዘበርከቶን፡ ሎሚ ውን ገና ዘበርክቶ ዘሎን ኣፍልጦ ዝህብ ናይ ክብሪ ሽልማት፡ ካብ ኣዳለውቲ ጉባኤ ቦለኛ ክቕበል እዩ።
እቲ ኣብ ሓድሕድ ምክብባር ዝሰረቱ ዘኹርዕ ባህልና ኣብቲ ዝነበሮ ንኽምለስ ጻዕሪ ምክያድ፡ ነቲ ክብረት ዘይፈልጥ፡ ብዕንደራ ሓደ ውልቀ ሰብ ዝምራሕ ኣረመኔ ስርዓት ንኽንስዕሮ ዝሕግዘና ካልእ ናይ ቃልሲ ሜላ እዩ። ስለዚ፡ ኣብዚ ኣቦ ቅዋም ሃገረ ኤርትራ1997 ሽልማቱ ብወግዒ ዝቕበለሉ ታሪኻዊ ምዓልቲ ሓቢርኩሙና ክትውዕሉ ብኽብሪ ንዕድም። ዝኸበርካ ኣቦና ፕሮፈሰር በረኸት ሃብተስላሴ፡ ኣብቲ ንነጻነት ዘካየድናዮ ቃልሲ ዘበርከትካዮ ንጡፍ ኣገልግሎት፡ ኣቦ ወንበር ኮሚሽን ቅዉኣም ኤርትራን ሎሚ ውን ኣቦን ጽላልን፡ ሓያል ኣማኻሪ ኣብዚ ነካይዶ ዘለና ዲሞክራስያዊ ቃልሲ፡ ስለቲ መወዳድርቲ ኣልቦ ኣበርክቶኻ ኣብ ምርግጋጽ ሃገራዊ ነጻነት፡ ስለቲ ዘለካ ኣባታዊ ሓልዮትን ምኽርን፡ ክብ ዝበለ ምስጋና ካባና ካብ ኤርትራውያን ደቅኻ ተቐበል፡ የቐንየልና ክቡር ኣቦናን ጓሳናን።
ጉባኤ ቦለኛ
26 ንሃሰ፣ 2015

ኦክላንድ ካሊፎርንያ
ሕቡራት መንግስታት ኣሜሪካ

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