Toronto Pays Tribute to Abdullah Nasser
The death of Abdullah Nasser on April 14 2007 was met by sudden shock and disbelief.
On April 22, 2007, Eritreans gathered in Toronto, Canada to honour and pay tribute this great man who spent so many years defending justice.
Family, friends, prominent community leaders, and well wishers flocked a downtown hall to remember their native son Abdullah Nasser.
The following friends, comrades, and well wishes presented heartfelt tributes in his honour: Abdulsalam Said, Abdullah Mahmoud Ismail, Kalif Desugi, Tekle Dini, Tuku Tesfay, Remah Seliman Antoora, Ramadan, Jamil, Abdulwassie, and Tekle Tmegem.
Abdullah’s life was the story of a man that dedicated his life selflessly, in the hopes of liberating his country fully. His relentless pursuit of justice, freedom riveted participants, and left them spellbound.
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