Freedom Now Action Movement (FNAM)

Important Communiqué No. 2

March 15, 2005


(Translated by for informational purposes only)


In its second call, Freedom Now Action Movement turn to our heroic children in the Eritrean defense army addressing their living conscience to take a moment and reflect on the political and economic ruin that their country is on. The regime has given up on all the attempts of restoration and has no other choice but to depart, and there are many visible clues to that effect including the project of  personal investment by the head of the regime in Italy known to all as the project of tourist village or “Africa Village” where he has redirected huge sums of funds from the sweat and energy of the defense army in particular, the general public funds, and funds from the accounts of the martyrs in general, through his companies that have been draining the sweat and energies of the youth of the national service for more than ten years without compensation in stark form of contemporary ridicule.


The regime has executed many officers who opposed his practices and policies during the period of the last war, and has performed group executions of more than “285” individuals from the religious leaders of both Muslims and Christians, “150” of them in a single night buried in a group burial in Derfo in 1997 AD. As the saying goes, how can a shadow be straight when the stem is bent?


In a new development, the chief of the police in Eritrea brigadier general Abraham Andom “Afan” last January issued a generalization with the gist that the government has decided to eliminate all the political prisoners using the process of “slow death” in a move that singles out this regime from the worst dictatorships in the world without engagement in recollectable trials!!! Consequently, they are building a huge prison at Ayla Aru, near Shieb with specification similar to that of Abu Greb prison with the bad reputation. The regime also announced the sell of residential land inside Asmara and Masawa that is owned by the citizens after it was confiscated and without compensation for its owners so as to generate hard currency in an effort to bridge the serious deficit in hard currency in the treasury, and further robbing citizens’ deposits in dollars in the Banks!!  Here, the Movement warns the citizens of the consequences of purchasing these properties from the government!! One of the responsibilities of the Movement is to unveil these practices and crimes to the public and the international human rights organizations as it is following the situation up close…As we call upon our children in the military, we clearly recognize that they are the first victims of the regime that does not possess the legitimacy of a constitution that can support it during this time of declining conditions, and strangling political crisis being experienced by the nation, as the equation has become clear before all serious nationalists concerned about the fate of their nation and before all the free people of our nation, and that is, either to be a tool of repression against the people or to be a device for their salvation from the hell of this regime, and history will record the moment of eternal glory as the decedents and brothers [sisters] of the revolutionaries in our recent contemporary history. Stay with the struggle of the people for freedom in one trench against the regime.


The goals of the Movement can be summarized as follows:


1.      The establishment of a Pluralistic Federal Democratic System of governance in place of the ruling dictatorial regime.

2.      The establishment of a strong effective military responsible solely for the defense of the nation, and the protection of its possessions far away from the biases of parties or ethnicities.

3.      The supply of decent living for the families and children of the Eritrean defense army and improvement of their living conditions.

4.      Honorable discharging of 60% of the military based on the fact that Eritrea will not have enemies in the future.

5.      The review of the programs of national service that has been utilized for the purpose of narrow ambitions and hostilities and for limiting the role of the camp of sawa that turned against the ambitions of the people.

6.      The return of all properties, land, and possessions that have been confiscated and robbed by the regime to their legitimate owners whether they are citizens or foreigners.

7.      The redirection of existing projects and institutions of the military for the benefit of the children of the martyrs, the injured, and the discharged from the military.

8.      The performance of a fundamental change in the educational system that serves the ambitions, outlooks of the upcoming generations and that is consistent with the century.

9.      Drafting a national constitution devoted to peaceful coexistence, reinforcement of the concept of freedom, equality and justice as the foundation for governance in Eritrea

10.  The care for families of martyrs directly by the government through a dedicated budget for the support of these families financially and socially.

11.  The guarantee of the fundamental freedoms, human rights, freedom of expression, assembly, media, protection of the rights of labor, social security, and the right of women.

12.  Building good neighborliness based on common interests and mutual respect.

13.  Move to restore the image of Eritrea internationally, build confidence, and remove the effects of deterioration caused by the regime.

14.  The release of common freedoms such as the freedom of expression, freedom of movement, freedom of belief etc…


Glory and eternity for our faithful martyrs, and may the eyes of the cowards be deprived of sleep

Glory for the struggle of our people against the dictatorship of Asias


  • Freedom Now Action Movement (FNAM)

  • (Seal)



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