Final Statement of Emergency Meeting of the Revolutionary Council

Amidst the shock and profound sadness caused by the sudden death of our Chairman Seyoum Ogbamichael that overwhelmed the total membership of the ELF-RC as well as other national forces and our entire people, the Revolutionary Council was convened between 29 and 31 December 2005 in an emergency meeting called by the Acting Chairman Tekle Melekin in agreement with the RC Speaker, Ibrahim Mohammed Ali. The emergency meeting had the objective of ensuring the continuation of  the national democratic tasks of the organization and to effectively address the new challenges.


The ever energetic, optimistic and dauntless Seyoum passed away of a sudden heart failure while steadfastly struggling to create a country without all sorts of injustices; a country that enjoyed democracy and rule of law; a country that respected human rights and the dignity of every citizen; a country that conquered ignorance and poverty; an Eritrea that guaranteed social and religious equality to all; an Eritrea that duly respected the sovereignty of people’s will and power, and an Eritrea that could emerge as a modern respectable state among the community of free nations.


Naturally, the leadership of the ELF-RC had to ring emergency bells into all its organizational institutions. Any possible uncertainty or confusion was avoided by the ELF-RC structure which already addressed such developments. Accordingly, Tekle Melekin, structurally the Vice-Chairman of the organization, immediately emerged as the Acting Chairman and led the organization to manage the critical period. Priority tasks at that hour included following up the circumstances of the sudden death, the medical and legal processes that had to be pursued towards investigating the real cause of death and coordinating with family members on arrangements for the funeral. The RC meeting concluded that all organs of the ELF-RC that had to take part in these duties played their roles correctly and effectively.


An organization led by a capable and competent leader finds itself on a progressively growing curve, and situation like a sudden death  of such a leader leaves in its trail major challenges that require serious responses. It was this reality that the emergency meeting of the RC  had to address in order to be able to continue the ongoing tasks under the Victory Strategy of the organization. Affirming its resolve to push forward the struggle to remove the dictatorship in Eritrea and in its place establish a multiparty democratic system, the emergency meeting of the RC decided that focused action will be pursued on the major tasks of this stage as listed below: 


On Organizational Matters

  • The martyrdom of Chairman Seyoum is in itself an event that rings the bell for  more sacrifices from every member of the ELF-RC. Therefore, all members of the branches and zones of the ELF-RC anywhere in the world shall have  redesigned immediate tasks in order to redouble their devotion and ensure effective implementation of organizational duties and responsibilities
  • The ELF-RC shall assign and deploy full-time cadres that promote organizational work at all levels of its structure.
  • The ELF-RC shall launch intensive action of open opportunities for all national democratic elements with proud records in the long years of our struggle so that those productive elements could positively and effectively contribute in the current struggle.
  • ELF-RC shall put more efforts on the mobilization of the Eritrean youth and further develop the youth centers and clubs already established in several places.
  • Intensive work shall be conducted to enhance the already started re-organization of women on effective basis and to ensure their wider participation.
  • Efforts shall be made to ensure increased continuation of support to the grade 1 to grade 8 schools for Eritrean refugees in Eastern Sudan which are taken care by the Alliance of the Eritrean Red Cross/Crescent Societies and the Eritrean Democratic Association (EDA).
  • The ELF-RC supported Center for Wounded Fighters (Wuguat Harnet) in Kassala shall receive continued attention for improvement under the direct care of the Association of Disabled Eritreans (ADE).
  • Efforts shall be increased to generate adequate resources to intensify our activities in the diplomatic, information and social spheres.


On the Eritrean Opposition Camp

  • The emergency meeting rededicated ELF-RC’s unrelenting resolve to improve and advance the Eritrean Democratic Alliance by continuing to play its role  based on agreed upon provisions.
  • The ELF-RC shall strive to narrow down differences with organizations that possess related political programmes and work towards reaching higher levels of unity.
  • Our organization shall coordinate and work closely with civil societies, media outlets and other pressure groups opposed to the dictatorship in Eritrea so that these bodies can become effective to play useful roles in building up a viable democratic process.
  •  The ELF-RC is determined to contribute in an organized manner in transforming our people struggle to an invincible force by coordinating and closely working with the nascent and steadily growing people’s resistance inside Eritrea

Regional and International Relations

  • The ELF-RC shall drive to full fruition the plans and efforts that were building up to foster   diplomatic relations at the international level. In particular, our organization shall push forward the already growing cordial relations with sisterly neighbouring peoples and governments on the basis of mutual respect and common interest for peace and joint prosperity.
  • Regarding the border issue between Eritrea and Ethiopia, the ELF-RC shall continue supporting peaceful resolution of the conflict based on the final and binding decision of the Border Commission and according to the Algiers Agreement reached between the two countries.
  • The emergency meeting of the RC also expressed concern by the situation of Eritrean refugees who are affected by UNHCR’s earlier decision of withdrawing  recognition of the status of refugee to Eritreans. The ELF-RC shall continue its call on the world body to rescind that decision.


Our Struggling People and Patriotic Members of ELF-RC!!

After deeply studying the challenges to be faced following the absence of our martyred chairman, the emergency meeting of the Revolutionary Council found it imperative to dedicate and deploy more full time senior cadres to be serving the organization based in the region surrounding Eritrea.


Accordingly, Woldeyesus Ammar has been elected to become the new Chairman; Tekle Melekin shall dedicate full-time service as head of the International Relations Office, and Tesfai Woldemichael (Degiga) was designated to become the new head of the Office of the ELF-RC Chairman located in Eritrea’s neighbourhood.


In conclusion, the emergency meeting of the Revolutionary Council expresses deep appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to all leaderships and members of the opposition organizations, civil societies, news media, sisterly countries, international bodies and private individuals who have expressed through different channels including the electronic media their condolences or who have physically taken part at the funeral in order to grant a deserved farewell of a National Hero to the late ELF-RC Chairman Seyoum Ogbamichael.


The emergency RC meeting registered deep gratitude to Ethiopian authorities who from the very start provided the necessary coordination and facilitation till the remains of the late Seyoum reached the final destination. Likewise, the RC extends profound gratitude on behalf of the family and members of the ELF-RC to the Dutch authorities who organized for our Patriot-Martyr Seyoum an official funeral that is granted in Holland to a Heroic Freedom Fighter.


In the words of Patriot-Martyr Seyoum, “We shall remain fighters and ready to become martyrs” until our Eritrea ceases to be a prison to its people and until it is transformed into a  peaceful, democratic and prosperous nation. 


The Objectives of Our Martyrs Shall Triumph!!

Fall to the Dictatorial Regime in Eritrea!!

Glory and Eternal Memory to Our Martyrs!!


The Revolutionary Council

31 December, 2005

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