Eritrean Mercenaries Arrive in Tripoli (March 15, 2011)
Huge numbers of foreign mercenaries from the African country of Eritrea have arrived by ship at the port (ferry terminal area known as Mena Al-Shab) in Tripoli, Libya on Tuesday, March 15, 2011.
They are seen here on the streets outside the ferry terminal building (shown behind).
The narrator says to look at the huge number of these mercenaries that just arrived in Tripoli.
Any and all African leaders and other nations’ leaders who are sending the mercenaries to Gaddafi must be tried as WAR CRIMINALS.
The allegations in this video cannot be confirmed…
English Translation:
“they are from Eritrea…. a ship delivered them to the city of Tripoli… they are from Eritrea… they arrived today.. here now… a very large group… … a very very big group… Look Look .. They are mercenaries, they are mercenaries.
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