Urgent Press Release: Girifna movement

Kassala University Students in Need of Urgent Medical Assistance Following Clash with Regime

Khartoum—(October 23, 2011) On October 20, and for the third consecutive day, students in Kassala University protested the academic, economic and political situation in the country. They were met with excessive violence from the regime including live ammunition and tear gas. The worse came when a car (government Land Cruiser) ran over 8 students critically injuring four students, two of them are in urgent need of medical attention. The students are:

1. Abdulqadir Mohamed Adam (physics department): this student has been transported to Khartoum for medical attention.
2. Idrees Mohemed Ali (department of education): has suffered a fracture in his spinal cord and is grave danger. His critical situation has made it impossible to transport him by car to Khartoum due to the condition of the roads. He needs a helicopter in order to be transported to a Khartoum hospital.
3. Abdul al salam Osman Naseeb (department of economics): he has been released from hospital and his situation is stable after being treated from injuries.
4. Ahmed Hamid Qardiya (computer science department): has also been released from hospital and his situation is stable after being treated from injuries.

We call upon all humanitarian organizations and upon the Sudanese diaspora abroad to urgently mobilize efforts to get these students, who sacrificed their safety and lives to call for a life of dignity for all Sudanese, the necessary medical care they deserve and as soon as possible. As well as to publicize the atrocities and human rights violations committed against these civilians by the National Congress Party (NCP).

Moreover, there has been arrests of activists in Kassala and continued persecution of others by the NCP.

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