Urgent Appeal For Immediate Release
We in the Citizens for Democratic Rights in Eritrea (CDRiE) have been following with deep sense of apprehension the news regarding the arrest of the exiled Eritrean writer and journalist, Mr. Jamal Hummad, in Sudan.
Although there is no information about the reasons of his arrest, we are hopeful that the Sudanese authorities, who had prior to his detention allowed him to work in the country as a journalist and as human rights activist would release him without delay. Not only has it been two weeks since he has been arrested, but also his whereabouts still remains unknown.
Different sources, including Reporters without Borders have indicated that Mr.Hummad may face risk of deportation to Eritrea where he is likely to face eminent risk of persecution. Deporting refugees to countries where they are likely to face the risk of persecution is alien to Sudan’s long-standing hospitality to Eritrean refugees.
We therefore plead with the Sudanese Government to release Mr.Hummad and allow him to seek protection in a safe country.
We also appeal to the international community, governments and human rights organisations to urge the Sudanese authorities to desist from deporting Mr.Hummad to Eritrea where he is likely to face high risk of persecution.
CDRiE Executive Board
London 05.11.2011
E-mail: cdrieritrea@gmail.com – www.cdrie.net
Short URL: https://english.farajat.net/?p=6246
Noor Bronto مؤلم جدا ما حدث .. كانوا يعيشون فى معسكر اللاجئين فى السودان وعادوا اربعة اخوات واخاهم بعيدا هاجر بمنحة
دراسية وجاءه خبر وفاة الاخت الصغرى 18سنة اثناء الولادة لعدم توفر عناية صحية ثم بعد عام الاخت الكبرى 32 سنة
وبعد 7سنوات تعبت الاخت الثالثة اثناء الولادة وانجبت توؤم بنت وولد احتاجت لنقل دم لم تجد فارقت الحياة ..تاركه طفلين
وبعد فترة لم يجدوا من يرضعهم وفارق الولد الحياة بعد شرب من البان الحيوانات وحزن الاخ لموت شقيقاته ال 3 ثم هاجر وحاول اخد الطفلة عله يحس بريحة اخته وجاءه خبر وفاة الطفلة جوعا لرفضها تناول حليب احد او لبن البهائم .. واه من
حياة ومعاناة النساء فى القرى داخل حدود ارتريا .. كرهنا السياسة التى شغلت المعارضيين من العمل المدنى ومن دعم
الصحة او قيام منظمات طوعية توحد ارترى المهجر على الاقل فى الرعاية الصحية .. هل تنتهى ماساة هذا الاخ
لا اخر اخت له على مشارف الولادة وهو وحيد >>>>>>>.