A CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION IN WASHINGTON DC መጸዋዕታ ንሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ኣብ ዋሺንግቶን ዲሲ

ብምኽንያት ታሕሳስ 10 ኣህጉራዊ መዓልቲ ሰብኣዊ መሰላትን ኣብ ሲናይ ዘጋጥም ዘሎ ሓደጋታትን: ንሕና ግዱሳት ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ሓደ ዓብይ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ኣብ ዋሺንግቶን ዲሲ ኣብ ፊት ዋይት ሃውስ ኣዳሊና ኣለና:: ንኹሎም ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኤርትራውያንን መሓዙት ኤርትራን ድማ ናብዚ ሰልፊዚ ክሳተፉ ብኽብሪ ንዕድም:: ከምኡ’ውን ኩለን ኤርትራውያን ውድባትን ማሕበራትን ነዚ ብመንእሰያት እናተወደበ ኣብ ኩለን ሃገራትን ከተማታትን ዝባራዕ ዘሎ ህዝባዊ ማዕበል ስሙር ደገፍ ክልግሳሉን ክሳተፎኦን ንጽውዕ::  እቲ እናሓደረ ዝብእስ ዘሎ ወጽዓታት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክስገር ኩሉኻ ደላይ ፍትሒ ኤርትራዊ ስመርርርርርርርርርርር ድማ ንብል:: 

ዕላማ ናይ’ዚ ሰላማዊ ሰልፊ ስሙር ድምጽና

  • ምእንቲ አብ ውሽጢ ኤርትራ: ናይ እምነት: ናይ ምዝራብ: ናይ ምእካብ: ድምጽኻ ናይ ምስማዕ: ኮታ ኩሉ ሰብአዊ መሰሎም ተረጊጹ: ብዘይ ፍትሒ አብ ሸላታትን ናይ ትሕቲ መሬት ጎዳጉዲ ተኣሲሮም: ንዓመታት ብርሃን ጸሓይ ተሓሪምዎም ዝበልዩ ዘለው
  • ምእንቲ እቶም ነጻ ጉልበቶም መፍቶ ሰበ ስልጣን ኮይኑ ንዝያዳ ዓሰርተ ሽዱሽተ ዓመታት ብዘይ ሓርነትን ደሞዝን አብ አርዑት ባርነት ወዲቖም ዘለዉ መንእሰያት:


  • ምእንቲ እተን ፋሕ ፋሕ ኢለን: ዘርሞ ዘርሞ ተሪፈን ዘለዋ ስድራቤታት: ገለ አባለን አብ ማእሰርቲ: ገለ ኣባለን አብ ስደት: ገለ ድሃይ ዘይብሉ: ገለ ድማ ዝተቐብጸ ኮይነን አብ ታኼላ ሽግርን ሕሰምን ተሸሚመን ዝስቀያ ዘለዋን: ምእንቲ እቶም ብዘይ ፍቕሪ ወለዲ ዝዓብዩ ቆልዑን ምእንቲ ውሉደን አብ ቅድሚ ኣዒንተን ዝተመንጠሉወን ስድራ


  • ምእንቲ እቶም ኣብ ገዛእ እታ ደም ዝረሃጹላ ሃገሮም ክብረት ስኢኖምን ተዋሪዶምን ብሰሪ ሕሱም ባርነት ከምዝባረሩ ኮይኖም አብ ሑጻ በረኻታት ሳሃራ ብጸሓይን ብንፋስን ደሪቖም ዝተርፉ ዘለው መንእሰያት: ምእንቲ እቶም ነዚ ሰጊሮም ድማ በብድርብ አብ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ መላስ አውያት ዘይብሎም ድራር ፍጡራት ባሕሪ ኮይኖም ተዋሒጦም ዝተርፉ ዘለው


  • ምእንቲ እቶም ብጨካናት ጎሓሉ ብህይወቶም እናረአዩን እናሰምዑን: አምዑቶም ተኸፊቱ: ናውቲ ከብዶም ከም መቀያየሪ አቕሑ ተመንጢሉ እናተወስደ: ተሳሒጎም ህይወቶም ዝሓልፉ ዘለዉ 


  • ምእንቲ ቶም ብፍላይ ሎም ቅነ አብ ሓታቲ ዘይብሉ አብ ፈቐዶ ቤት ማእሰርቲታት ምስርን ሊብያን ሱዳንን ንዓመታት ክበልዩ ድሕሪ ምጽናሕ ብግድን ብሸርሕን እታ ተኾርሚዮም ዝነብሩላ መሰል ስደት’ኳ ተነፊጋቶም ብዘይድልየቶም ናብ አፍ ገበል ከምዝምለሱ ዝኾኑ ዘለዉ


ከምኡ’ውን ምእንቲ ኩሎም ግፉዓት ናይ ሓባር ድምጽና ከይተፈላለና ብሓደ ቃና ንምስማዕ ዩ::

ንሕና እዞም አብ ተዛማዲ ራህዋን: ስላምን መሰልና አብ ዝተኸብረሉ ሃገር ንነብር ምእንቲ’ዞም ዘይጠዓሞም  አሕዋትናን ኣሓትና ድምጽና ከነስምዕ ሰብአዊ ግደታ አለና:: እታ ናይ ሓዋሩ ቤትናን መንበሪትናን መሰረትናን ዝኾነት ሃገርና ኤርትራ እናርአናያን ቁልቁል ናብ ሲኦል እናተኖቑተት: ብሕግን ስርዓትን ብግዝአተ ሕግን ብቤትፍርድን ዘይኮነት ብዊንታን ድልየትን ውልቀሰባት ሓርነት ብዙሓት ዝርገጸላ ናይ ባሮት ደምበ ኮይና እንከላ ትም ክንብል ናይ ሕልና ገበን ኢዩ::

ስለዚ ኩልና ብሓባር ድምጽና ነስምዕ::


ብርግጽ ገለ ኤርትራውያን ኣሕዋትናን ኣሓትናን ብፍላጥ ይኹን ብዘይ ፍላጥ ምስዚ ጠንቂ’ዚ ኩሉ ስደትን መከራን ዝኾነ: ገባቲን መላኺ ስርዓት እናተደናገጹ: ብዛዕባ እቶም ህይወት ከም ኣፍ ዑንቂ ጸቢባቶም ዘላ ኣሕዋትናን ኣሓትናን “አይግድሰናን ወይ ውን አይንጽንበረኩምን” ክብሉና እዮም:: ንሕና ግን ከምቲ እቶም ኣብ ሲናይ ዝሃለቑ ኣሕዋትና  ብደም ዝጸሓፍዎ ቃላት “እዚ ውን ይሓልፍ” ኢልና አዒንትና ናብ ዕላማ ሰላምን ፍትሕን ክብረት ስብ አዊ መሰልን ኣቕኒዕና ንቕድሚት ንመርሽ::


ዕለት: ቀዳም ታሕሳስ 10 2011

ቦታ: ፊት ዋይት ሃውስ

ንዝርዝር ሓበሬታ ኣብ ዝተፈላለያ ማዕከናት ሓበሬታ ተኸታተሉ


ስመር ስመሪ ንስመር!!!!
ኮሚተ ሰለማዊ ሰልፊ ስመርርርር
ዋሺንግቶን ዲሲ



Concerned Eritreans living across the US are calling for a demonstration to be held in front of the White house to mark the International Day of Human Rights, to remember Eritrean victims of human traffickers, and to commemorate the struggle of the Eritrean people for human rights and justice. We call upon all Eritreans and friends of Eritrea to take part in the demonstration. We also appeal to Eritrean Civic groups and political parties to actively encourage and mobilize their members to participate in order to accelerate the momentum for change currently spearheaded by the youth movement. It is imperative, therefore, that peace and justice loving Eritreans unite to bring an end to the suffering of our people at home and those multitudes sheltered in horrible refugee camps.


The thrust of the planned demonstration is


  • To voice against gross human right violation in Eritrea as reflected by the arbitrary detention and imprisonment of people without due process of law, the inability to speak and write and the deprivation of fundamental right to work and earn a living


  • To advocate for the young who for the past 16 years is bonded to the so called National Service without or with minimum pay exploited by the higher echelons of the army and those in power


  • To expose the inhuman treatment of the Eritrean refugees who are perishing in hundreds in the North African Deserts, the Mediterranean Sea, in the prisons of Egypt and Libya, the human trafficking and organ harvest in the Sinai/Egypt and the horrible living conditions in Italy and Malta


  • To protest against the deportation of Eritreans to a country equated to the North Korea of Africa from the prisons of Egypt, Libya and the Sudan


The rest of us who live in material luxury and in a democratic environment have the moral obligation to voice our concern on behalf of our people who are muzzled to speak and terrorized to act. It is our national as well as human duty to help our people in the struggle for the reintroduction of the rule of law in Eritrea where freedom and the pursuit of happiness continues unimpeded.




  • Let’s rise up in unison to tell the undemocratic, repressive and totalitarian regime in one voice; ENOUGH is ENOUGH


  • We declare that all hope is not lost and in fact this will come to pass provided we join hands to challenge the seemingly invincible regime


  • In this regard we appeal to our brothers and sisters who innocently or otherwise are supporting the regime which repress their people in a fashion not seen anywhere else to join us in our campaign to bring a hopeful and free Eritrea where the young is free to explore his/her dreams, the adult is joyful with gratification to look after his/her family, where the old is provided the opportunity to reminisce in his twilight years






For details please see other websites





Short URL: https://english.farajat.net/?p=6258

Posted by on Nov 8 2011 Filed under News, Notices. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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