ህዝባዊ ኣኼባ ኣብ ከተማ ሳንድየጎ ካልፎርንያ
ኣብ ከተማ ሳንድየጎ ህዝባዊ ሽማግለ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንምቛምን ብዛዕባ ህልዊ ኩነታት ሃገርና ንምዝታይን፣ ኩሉ ኤርትራዊ ተቐማጢ ከተማ ሳንድየጎን ከባቢኣን ዝሳተፈሉ ህዝባዊ ኣኼባ ንሰንበት መጋቢት 25, 2012 ክካየድ’ዩ። ኣብ’ዚ ኣኼባዚ ሓደ ኣባል ኤርትራዊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ ንደሞክራስያዊ ለውጢ ዞባ ሰሜን ኣሜሪካ ብኣካል ተረኺቡ መግለጺ ክህብዩ።
ብደሓን ምጹ
Public Meeting in the City of San Diego California
A public meeting for the purpose of electing a People’s committee for the National Council, and to discuss the current situration in Eritrea will be held in San Diego on Sunday March 25, 2012. All Eritreans-residents of San Diego and its vicinity are invited. The meeting will be conducted by a Councilman from the Regional NA Council of ENCDC.
ቦታ፡ Marriott Courtyard (Mission Valley) 595 Hotel Circle South, San Diego, CA 92108
ግዜ፡ ሰዓት 12፡00 ድሕሪ ቀትሪ
ቤት ጽሕፈት ኤሃባደለ/ዞባ ሰሜን ኣሜሪካ
Short URL: https://english.farajat.net/?p=6777