13 people from Ethiopia and Eritrea killed in Uganda bomb attack

According to Ugandan security agencies, atleast 13 people from the horn African nations of Ethiopia and Eritrea died during the Sunday night terrorist attacks in Kampala. Witnesses said the bombing took place as many Ugandans and foreigners gathered in the famous “Ethiopian Village” restaurant to watch the final game of the World Cup match between Netherlands and Spain.

Somalia’s al shabab militants claimed responsibility for the attack. A senior al Shabab official in Mogadishu said “We have killed many Christians in the enemy capital (Kampala).” Uganda contributes the largest share of troops to the African Union (AU) force in southern Somalia. While Ethiopia supports the transitional government in Mogadishu, Eritrea has openly backed various insurgents targetting the weak government.

74 people total have died in the bombings and dozens more were wounded. Most of the dead were Ugandans. Hospital sources estimated that over 30 Ethiopians were wounded in the attack. US President Obama’s administration called the terrorist attacks “deplorable and cowardly” while the Ethiopian government expressed solidarity with the people and Government of Uganda.

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