Summary Report of the Joint Task Force on COIE
This is a summary report of the Joint Task Force (JTF) of the Eritrean Solidarity Movement for National Salvation (ESNMS), the Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change – North America (EYSC–NA), and the Eritrean Law Society (ELS).
The JTS was established on 4 November 2014, upon initial consultation between ESNMS and EYSC–NA. Later on, it was also joined by ELS.
The aim of the JTS was disseminating accurate information to all Eritreans, and coordinating the collection and submission of testimonies to the UN-mandated Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights Violations in Eritrea (COIE). To achieve this, the JTF has conducted aggressive campaign via different mediums of communication (such as radio, Facebook and Paltalk).
Ultimately, the JTS was able to submit numerous testimonials to the COIE on two rounds. In the first round, that of 31 January 2015, the JTS submitted a total of 45 written testimonies: 15 in English and 30 in Tigrinya. In the second round, that of 28 February 2015, the JTF submitted a total of 35 written testimonies: 17 in English and 18 in Tigrinya. Not included in this account are submissions that were made directly by witnesses, victims and/or relatives of victims upon concerted campaign made by the JTF. The submissions were collected from different Eritrean communities in the following countries: Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Holland, Israel, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.
In the second round of submissions, the JTF has also submitted an online petition that was signed by more than 560 signatories, regarding one of the most flagrant violations in Eritrea: the violation to the right to freedom of movement. This also includes comments made by many signatories as part of their explanation on why they have signed the online petition.
The JTF will continue to work on any residual matters related to the mandate of the COIE until such time when the COIE finalizes its work and publishes its written report in June 2015.
The JTS would like to take this occasion to thank all those who have contributed relentlessly in the collection of testimonies that were submitted to the COIE.
10 March 2015
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