A Huge Public Rally against PFDJ Festival in Stockholm – Sweden


Important Public Announcement

A Huge Public Rally against PFDJ Festival in Stockholm – Sweden

The Swedish- Eritrean Partnership for Democracy and Human rights/ SESADU in cooperation with other partners invites all activists for democracy and justice in Eritrea to a rally under the theme,Stop PFDJ Festivals” in Sweden and continue  the struggle against human rights violations in Eritrea.


Date : Saturday 1st August 2015

Time: 11.00 -20.00

Place: Folketshus-EggbeyGård Järvafältet



Welcome all!

Organizing Committee/SESADU in cooperation with others

Short URL: https://english.farajat.net/?p=9759

Posted by on Jul 10 2015 Filed under News, Notices. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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